公開日 2016年06月24日
更新日 2016年06月29日
Over five years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck on March 11, 2011. Kamaishi's community rebuilding, including the rehabilitation of its citizens' livelihoods, has made steady progress.
As a public, private and third sector consortium, we have closely worked together to meet the aspirations stated in our June 23, 2014 "Joint Declaration Affirming the Reconstruction of Areas Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake."
We have since held a series of discussions with many citizens of Kamaishi City and other stakeholders regarding the future. The result is a five-year community regeneration plan aimed at realizing an "Open City," which will lead to a more sustainable community able to adapt to rapidly changing social and economic environments.
An "Open City" is a community in which all citizens are empowered to pursue their happiness and be true to themselves. The city embraces diversity, promotes a culture consisting of connectivity and engagement, respects differing opinions, and shows resilience in the face of change and challenges.
To realize this shared vision, an environment needs to be cultivated, where all individuals can fully demonstrate their abilities, regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, or other personal qualities. We believe inclusion will transform Kamaishi City into a community known for innovative values, initiatives and vibrant businesses.
We hereby pledge to build a sustainable and inclusive community, where diversity is respected and where empathy and tolerance are celebrated. Especially, we will strive to provide the city's children and youth the opportunities needed to maximize their potential and autonomy.